Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hi people, I'm Brandon from diploma in Accounting & Finance at Temasek Business School.

My favourite things to do are listening to music, surfing the net, as well as playing games on the different types of platform and reading manga. Some of the games which I enjoy are DotA (like almost everyone else), CS and Initial D: Arcade Stage.

Listening to music is also an important part of my daily life as I would probably feel bored without it. Most of the music I listen to are from the J-rock or Japanese Rock genre, which most people I know find weird. My favourite bands are Lycaon and NoGod.

Occassionally, I like to download/stream TV/anime series onto my computer to watch them instead of catching them on the T.V. It is more convenient and well, free. One show I am currently into is The Big Bang Theory. The show is basically a mixture of comedy and science which unexpectedly, is very funny.

My favourite skill/hobby is to aimlessly surf the net for interesting stuff. This is a way for me to relieve my mind from school stuff and also, to waste time. Oh yea, finding torrents with lots of seeds too :)

Okay thanks for reading. Wall of text has ended.


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