Friday, January 8, 2010

Sixth Post: T1&2

As it was e-learning on that week, we did not meet up together as a class to go through with our cds. Instead, we were given the freedom to participate in the activities that we were supposed to do, online. We were asked to login to ole blackboard to participate in a discussion with the topic being, "Briefly explain how internet enriched your social and academic life. Illustrate your answer using 2 internet resources you had learnt in EIR. For research purposes,do you think internet can replace the existing hard-copy materials available in the world today? Why?"

The topic stimulated my thinking as I always took the internet for granted but never really gave it much thought to how much it has helped me in my life. With that aside, posting on the blackboard was a really enriching experience as I have never used blackboard before and I feel that it really has a good system as we can do it at the comfort of our own homes instead of attending classes physically. Indeed, posting on blackboard was a somewhat liberal experience as we were able to write down what we thought on the topic as well as comment on others' opinions on the topic. I wouldn't really say that it is better than face to face conversations but it is a good alternative, especially for e-learning.

As mentioned above, comparing to face to face conversations, posting online has almost the same benefits as we are able to comment and give others our thoughts on what they think. However, posting online allows us, in my opinion, to be somewhat more brave in our responses and it would allow us to give better productive comments as compared to face to face conversations as we might be too timid to speak up. Also, to reiterate the point, online discussions are definitely more convenient as it can be done almost anywhere, as long as you have a desktop or laptop or some wifi gadget.

All in all, the online activity provided was definitely meaningful as it allowed us to generate our thoughts on what we might take for granted in our daily lives. Besides that, a change from our usual classroom activities was no doubt a fresh one as e-learning gave us the chance to experience a new dimension of classroom activities, out of the classroom.


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