Thursday, October 29, 2009

EIR BLOG POST 2 : Practical 1 & 2

The lesson today, an enriching one at that, focused on expanding our knowledge about the internet as well as its many different resources. To start things off, we were enlightened on the main reason for the beginning of the Internet, which was due to aiding the communication within the USA military so that they could communicate easier.

Moving along in the lesson, we were introduced to many different internet resources, known and not known(to me at least), which we could use in order to ease our researching for different stuff online, including our research project. Blogs, Wikis and Forums were a few of the more common resources that were introduced during the lecture. The lecture strengthened by knowledge on the purpose of those resources and how they are used to provide information. There were also other resources which I had heard of but never used before, such as RSS feeds and podcasts. It provided more insight into the resources and how they can be used, which definitely allowed me to understand it more. Hopefully I will be motivated to create or make use of them in the future.

As the lesson proceeded, we were told to complete our practical 1 & 2 as well as choose our research topic. For myself, I chose the topic "Discuss the impact of cyber-bullying on Internet users" as I feel that things that happen online will affect real life as much as those affairs in real life would. Therefore, I think that it is important to realise the effects of Cyber-bullying on different people. As for the practical, we were supposed to research using different internet resources, which we learned earlier in the lesson, as well as the purpose we chose the website for and to fill up a worksheet with what we had found.

The second part of the practical allowed us to engage in E-shopping with a budget of $500. For myself, I used the website E-bay to source for what i wanted. Here is what I found:

Price:SGD $450

This is the Cowon O2. Basically it is a touch screen portable media player with features similar to the ipod touch such as playing music, watching videos as well as many other activities can be done with this phone. What makes it stand out from the iPod touch is the audio quality it possesses as Cowon has always manufactured players with arguably the best sound quality. The only downside is that the brand name is not a household name like Apple, therefore it is difficult to get it within local means. On average, it costs roughly $450. With the $500 given, I would be able to spend the $50 on something else ;).

As I had written earlier, the e-shopping website I would use is E-bay. Why E-bay? Well, firstly, it has goods from all over the world, from those obscure to those famous ones. Therefore, it is ALMOST impossible for you to be unable to find your item. Secondly, the special thing about E-bay is that it goes by an auction style. This means that if you really want the item, you have to be prepared to bid against others or with luck, pay close to nothing. All in all, E-bay is a really good source for online shopping as it provides both the convenience as well as the lower price rates compared to most other e-shopping sites. It is always more convenient to shop online as you will always be able to find what you want, no matter where it comes from(although you have to bear the shipping cost).

In conclusion, today has been a very fruitful day as I was able to expand my knowledge on different internet resources and hopefully it would ease my research on the project topic. It was also fun being able to think of what I really wanted, given the money. All in all, it was enjoyable and I hope that every EIR lesson will escalate in enjoyment.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hi people, I'm Brandon from diploma in Accounting & Finance at Temasek Business School.

My favourite things to do are listening to music, surfing the net, as well as playing games on the different types of platform and reading manga. Some of the games which I enjoy are DotA (like almost everyone else), CS and Initial D: Arcade Stage.

Listening to music is also an important part of my daily life as I would probably feel bored without it. Most of the music I listen to are from the J-rock or Japanese Rock genre, which most people I know find weird. My favourite bands are Lycaon and NoGod.

Occassionally, I like to download/stream TV/anime series onto my computer to watch them instead of catching them on the T.V. It is more convenient and well, free. One show I am currently into is The Big Bang Theory. The show is basically a mixture of comedy and science which unexpectedly, is very funny.

My favourite skill/hobby is to aimlessly surf the net for interesting stuff. This is a way for me to relieve my mind from school stuff and also, to waste time. Oh yea, finding torrents with lots of seeds too :)

Okay thanks for reading. Wall of text has ended.